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Third Stage


The Third Stage (stylized 3RD STAGE, later 3rd STAGE) Is the only stage to have no time limit, allowing contestants to go at their own pace. Contestants are allowed a certain duration of rest between obstacles during which they can apply "sticky spray" or chalk to improve their grip. While the first two stages focus on speed and agility, this course almost exclusively tests one's upper body strength and stamina. Out of 4,100 overall competitors and 543 Second Stage competitors, 265 have attempted the Third Stage. The Third Stage is so grueling that, on average, someone passes it only every other competition, and with the exception of SASUKE 1, 3, 8, and 24, the success rate has been 50% or lower in every other competition. This rate has been 0% in 18 out of 40 competitions as no one passed it. The Third Stage has only been passed 43 times, and only seven competitors have passed it more than once. The stage has featured in all but one competition, SASUKE 19, as nobody managed to complete the Second Stage in said event.

The Third Stage began as a three-obstacle balance and coordination stage, however with the addition of particularly the Pipe Slider in SASUKE 2 and the Cliffhanger in SASUKE 4, it would become the most grueling stage, focusing on upper body endurance. Indeed, most obstacles, with rare exceptions such as the Body Prop and Floating Boards, can only be conquered using upper body strength alone.

The SASUKE 5-17 Third Stage remained fairly similar in its format, albeit with the progressive addition of harder obstacles. This was most notable in SASUKE 14 where three new obstacles were put in place of the Pipe Slider's first track following Nagano Makoto's third consecutive Final Stage appearance in SASUKE 13, bumping up its total obstacle count to six (as Climbing Bars and Devil Balanço would not be recognized as individual obstacles until the following tournament; the obstacle count would never drop below six after this tournament). No one cleared until SASUKE 17, the fourth tournament that these obstacles were present.

Following Nagano Makoto's kanzenseiha, the course was completely redesigned, and drastic changes were made to the Third Stage. All obstacles except the Arm Rings were either new, returning, or modified, most notably the modification of the Cliffhanger into the Shin-Cliffhanger. Despite being introduced in SASUKE 18, the obstacle was not passed until SASUKE 21 (by Takeda Toshihiro) and subsequently the stage was not cleared until SASUKE 22 (by Urushihara Yuuji). The Shin-SASUKE Third Stage still holds the record for causing the most straight Third Stage endings to a tournament, at four (SASUKE 18-21).

Following Urushihara Yuuji's kanzenseiha in SASUKE 24, the course was once again redesigned for the following tournament. Again, all Third Stage obstacles but the Cliffhanger were new, with the Shin-Cliffhanger being replaced by the Ultimate Cliffhanger, with twice the ledges and jumps. Despite having been deemed almost impossible, three men cleared it in SASUKE 27, albeit following a streak of eight straight failures and two minor modifications. Two of the three men who cleared the obstacle cleared the stage, while the one who didn't, Hashimoto Koji, failed the new Chain See-Saw.

Following SASUKE 27 and Urushihara's second kanzenseiha, the course was revitalized, now bringing back some older obstacles such as the Curtain Cling and Rumbling Dice for the SASUKE RISING tournament, while also taking in some newer obstacles, notably with the introduction of the Vertical Limit. The Cliffhanger was once again modified to the Crazy Cliffhanger. This obstacle took out all three Third Stage competitors in SASUKE RISING and made multiple failures for competitors from SASUKE 28 to SASUKE 31.

In SASUKE 29, new rules were given for this particular tournament. For the first time, a timer was instituted, as only the person who finished the Third Stage in the fastest time would be allowed to advance to the Final Stage, regardless of whether any other competitor cleared the stage to make selections for the SASUKE ASEAN Open Cup easier to decide. These rules would be undone the following tournament and was not used ever since.

Following Morimoto Yūsuke's kanzenseiha in SASUKE 31, the course was heavily modified rather than being given a complete redesign, with the return of the Flying Bar and modifications of past obstacles such as the Sidewinder R which is modified into Sidewinder R Kai then once again modified the next tournament into Sidewinder Kai (simply known as Sidewinder since SASUKE 35). Just like in competitions after a kanzenseiha, the Cliffhanger is modified once again to the Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger. To make it even harder, it is followed immediately with the Vertical Limit Kai, but in SASUKE 33, it was also linked with the Pipe Slider which means there are no more resting points in the last half of the stage. This latter change was undone in SASUKE 34; even so, only Morimoto cleared the Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger, and could not even advance past the first ledge of the Vertical Limit Kai. Deeming this combination almost impossible, it was decided for SASUKE 35 that there would be a resting platform for competitors between the Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger and the Vertical Limit, enabling Morimoto to clear the stage.

SASUKE 32 and SASUKE 33 had very bad weather conditions, which caused the obstacles to be very slick; affecting the performance of competitors, which was especially noticeable concerning the Flying Bar, which was not helped when an attempt to anchor the obstacle to the scaffolding only made the obstacle more difficult than ever. As a result, in SASUKE 34, in case of bad weather, a long white cloth was placed above every obstacle in the stage to eliminate this problem. Some time later, this precaution for bad weather is implemented on subsequent tournaments.

Following SASUKE 38 and Morimoto's second kanzenseiha, the course was once again modified rather than being given a complete redesign, with another modification of Sidewinder and the Planet Bridge being replaced by Swing Edge, hailing from American Ninja Warrior's Falling Shelves.

TBS Obstacle Names[]

Legend Description
+ This obstacle leads directly into the next, without any break.
SASUKE Third Stage Obstacles
1 Pole Bridge Propeller Untei Hariyama
2 Pole Bridge Propeller Untei Hang Move Pipe Slider
3 Pole Jump Propeller Untei Hang Move Pipe Slider
4 Pole Jump Propeller Untei Arm Bike Cliffhanger Pipe Slider
5 Propeller Untei Body Prop Arm Bike Cliffhanger Pipe Slider
6 Propeller Untei Body Prop Arm Bike Cliffhanger Pipe Slider
7 Propeller Untei Body Prop Arm Bike Cliffhanger Pipe Slider
8 Propeller Untei Body Prop Arm Bike Cliffhanger Pipe Slider
9 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Lamp Grasper Cliffhanger Kai Pipe Slider
10 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Lamp Grasper Cliffhanger Kai Pipe Slider
11 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Lamp Grasper Cliffhanger Kai Pipe Slider
12 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Lamp Grasper Cliffhanger Kai Pipe Slider
13 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliffhanger Kai Pipe Slider
14 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliffhanger Kai Jumping Bars Pipe Slider
15 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliffhanger Kai Jumping Bars + Climbing Bars Devil Balanço + Pipe Slider
16 Arm Rings Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliffhanger Kai Jumping Bars + Climbing Bars Devil Balanço + Pipe Slider
17 Arm Rings Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliffhanger Kai Jumping Bars + Climbing Bars Devil Balanço + Pipe Slider
18 Arm Rings + Arm Bike Curtain Swing Shin-Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Climbing Bars + Spider Flip Final Ring
19 Arm Rings Kudari Lamp Grasper Devil Steps Shin-Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Sending Climber + Spider Flip Final Ring
20 Arm Rings Kudari Lamp Grasper Devil Steps Shin-Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Sending Climber + Spider Flip Final Ring
21 Arm Rings Kudari Lamp Grasper Devil Steps Shin-Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Hang Climbing + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
22 Arm Rings Kudari Lamp Grasper Devil Steps Shin-Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Hang Climbing + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
23 Arm Rings Kudari Lamp Grasper Devil Steps Shin-Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Hang Climbing + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
24 Arm Rings Rope Junction Devil Steps Shin-Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Hang Climbing + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
25 Roulette Cylinder + Doorknob Grasper Floating Boards Ultimate Cliffhanger Swing Circle + Bungee Rope Climb Flying Bar
26 Roulette Cylinder + Doorknob Grasper Cycling Road Ultimate Cliffhanger Swing Circle + Bungee Rope Climb Flying Bar
27 Arm Bike Flying Bar Ultimate Cliffhanger Jumping Ring Chain See-Saw Rope Climb Bar Glider
28 Rumbling Dice Iron Paddler Crazy Cliffhanger Curtain Cling Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
29 Rumbling Dice Iron Paddler Crazy Cliffhanger Curtain Cling Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
30 Rumbling Dice Iron Paddler Drum Hopper Crazy Cliffhanger Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
31 Drum Hopper Iron Paddler Sidewinder R Crazy Cliffhanger Vertical Limit Kai Pipe Slider
32 Drum Hopper Kai Flying Bar Sidewinder R Kai Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger + Vertical Limit Kai Pipe Slider
33 Drum Hopper Kai Flying Bar + Sidewinder Kai Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger + Vertical Limit Kai + Pipe Slider
34 Drum Hopper Kai Flying Bar + Sidewinder Kai Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger + Vertical Limit Kai Pipe Slider
35 Flying Bar + Sidewinder Planet Bridge Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
36 Flying Bar + Sidewinder Planet Bridge Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
37 Flying Bar + Sidewinder Planet Bridge Cliffhanger Dimension Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
38 Flying Bar + Sidewinder Planet Bridge Cliffhanger Dimension Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
39 Flying Bar + Sidewinder Swing Edge Cliffhanger Dimension Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
40 Flying Bar + Sidewinder Swing Edge Cliff Dimension Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
41 Flying Bar + Sidewinder Swing Edge Cliff Dimension Vertical Limit Burst Pipe Slider

Third Stage Results[]

SASUKE Clears Attempts Percentage Finalists
1 4 6 66.68% Kawashima Takayuki - Yo Takashi - Hasegawa Ken - Omori Akira
2 2 9 22.22% Tanaka Hikaru - Omori Akira
3 5 6 83.33% Yamamoto Shingo - Matsumoto Minoru - Yamamoto Tatsuya - Yamada Katsumi - Omori Akira
4 1 11 9.09% Akiyama Kazuhiko
5 0 1 0% -
6 0 5 0% -
7 1 5 20% Yamamoto Shingo
8 2 4 50% Jordan Jovtchev - Kane Kosugi
9 0 4 0% -
10 0 4 0% -
11 1 7 14.29% Nagano Makoto
12 3 10 30% Asaoka Hiroyuki - Shiratori Bunpei - Nagano Makoto
13 1 5 20% Nagano Makoto
14 0 10 0% -
15 0 6 0% -
16 0 8 0% -
17 2 8 25% Nagasaki Shunsuke - Nagano Makoto
18 0 3 0% -
19 0 0 N/A -
20 0 1 0% -
21 0 3 0% -
22 1 4 25% Urushihara Yuuji
23 2 7 28.57% Kanno Hitoshi - Nagano Makoto
24 5 7 71.43% Hashimoto Koji - Lee En-Chih - Urushihara Yuuji - Takahashi Kenji -Okuyama Yoshiyuki
25 0 5 0% -
26 0 6 0% -
27 2 10 20% Matachi Ryo - Urushihara Yuuji
28 0 3 0% -
29 0 4 0% -
30 2 9 22.22% Kawaguchi Tomohiro - Matachi Ryo
31 1 8 12.5% Morimoto Yusuke
32 0 8 0% -
33 0 5 0% -
34 0 9 0% -
35 1 5 20% Morimoto Yusuke
36 1 10 10% Morimoto Yusuke
37 2 8 25% Tada Tatsuya - Rene Kaselowsky
38 1 5 20% Morimoto Yusuke
39 0 9 0% -
40 3 12 25% Yamamoto Yoshiyuki - Tada Tatsuya - Morimoto Yusuke
41 0 15 0% -
Total 43 265 16.22%

G4 Obstacle Names[]

Legend Description
+ This obstacle leads directly into the next, without any break.
Comp # Third Stage Obstacles
1 Pillar Path Propeller Bars Eye of the Needle
2 Pillar Path Propeller Bars Chain Swing Pipe Slider
3 Super Vault Propeller Bars Chain Swing Pipe Slider
4 Super Vault Propeller Bars Arm Bike Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
5 Propeller Bars Body Prop Arm Bike Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
6 Propeller Bars Body Prop Arm Bike Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
7 Propeller Bars Body Prop Arm Bike Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
8 Propeller Bars Body Prop Arm Bike Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
9 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Globe Grasp Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
10 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Globe Grasp Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
11 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Globe Grasp Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
12 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Globe Grasp Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
13 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliff Hanger Pipe Slider
14 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliff Hanger Jumping Bars + Bridge of Destiny Devil's Swing + Pipe Slider
15 Rumbling Dice Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliff Hanger Jumping Bars + Bridge of Destiny Devil's Swing + Pipe Slider
16 Arm Rings Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliff Hanger Jumping Bars + Bridge of Destiny Devil's Swing + Pipe Slider
17 Arm Rings Body Prop Curtain Cling Cliff Hanger Jumping Bars + Bridge of Destiny Devil's Swing + Pipe Slider
18 Arm Rings + Arm Bike Curtain Swing Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Bridge of Destiny + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
19 Arm Rings Globe Grasp Devil Steps Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Ascending Climb + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
20 Arm Rings Globe Grasp Devil Steps Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Ascending Climb + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
21 Arm Rings Globe Grasp Devil Steps Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Ascending Climb + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
22 Arm Rings Globe Grasp Devil Steps Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Ascending Climb + Spider Flip Gliding Ring
23 Arm Rings Globe Grasp Devil Steps Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Ascending Climb + Spider Flip Final Ring
24 Arm Rings Rope Junction Devil Steps Cliffhanger Jumping Bars + Ascending Climb + Spider Flip Final Ring
25 Roulette Cylinder + Doorknob Grasper Floating Boards (Ultimate) Cliffhanger Swing Circle + (Bungee) Rope Climb Flying Bar
26 Roulette Cylinder + Doorknob Grasper Cycle Road (Ultimate) Cliffhanger Swing Circle + (Bungee) Rope Climb Flying Bar
27 Arm Bike Flying Bar (Ultimate) Cliffhanger Jumping Ring + Chain See-saw + (Bungee) Rope Climb Bar Glider
28 Rumbling Dice Iron Paddler Crazy Cliffhanger Curtain Cling Vertical Limit Pipe Slider

Challenge Obstacle Names[]

Legend Description
+ This obstacle leads directly into the next, without any break.
Comp # Third Stage Obstacles
28 Rumbling Dice Iron Paddler Crazy Cliffhanger Curtain Cling Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
29 Rumbling Dice Iron Paddler Crazy Cliffhanger Curtain Cling Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
30 Rumbling Dice Iron Paddler Drum Hopper Crazy Cliffhanger Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
31 Drum Hopper Iron Paddler Sidewinder Crazy Cliffhanger Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
32 Drum Hopper Flying Bar Sidewinder Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger + Vertical Limit Pipe Slider
33 Drum Hopper Flying Bar + Sidewinder Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger + Vertical Limit + Pipe Slider
34 Drum Hopper Flying Bar + Sidewinder Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger + Vertical Limit Pipe Slider

