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SASUKE Ninja Warrior Indonesia: Misi Operasi Midoriyama (Midoriyama Operation Mission) was a military-themed edition of SASUKE Ninja Warrior Indonesia. The show was filmed at the back field of Mall @ Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Banten, and premiered on May 3rd, 2016, shortly after SASUKE Ninja Warrior Indonesia’s season finale.

Competition Format[]

SASUKE Ninja Warrior Indonesia: Misi Operasi Midoriyama featured 6 stages. Those stages were: Challenge Stage, Warrior Stage, Semifinal Stage 1, Semifinal Stage 2, Final Stage, and Mount Midoriyama Stage. Both Challenge Stage and Warrior Stage were filmed during daytime, while the rest were filmed during nighttime. There were several changes between those stages for this special, compared to SASUKE Ninja Warrior Indonesia:

  • During Challenge Stage and Warrior Stage, only the competitors who completed all the obstacles would move on to the next stage.
  • The obstacles the time limit in Semifinal Stage 1 and Semifinal Stage 2 were swapped.

Competitors who participated in this special were all active Indonesian military members, from 3 different military branches: AD: Angkatan Darat (Army), AL: Angkatan Laut (Navy and Marine), and AU: Angkatan Udara (Air Force).

Each competitor competed for his/her respective military branch, with a commander/coach in each military branch, leading the competitors and setting the strategies for the competitors. Also, to build a competition spirit among those military branches, each military branch would receive one point for every competitor who completed all obstacles in every stage (the points would be reset to zero when the competition entered a new stage).

Just like on SASUKE Ninja Warrior Indonesia, competitors must keep their shoes tied while competing. If their shoes fell off at any part of the course (either on or off the course), they will be disqualified. Competitors who reached the Mount Midoriyama Stage and completed it within the time limit would achieve total victory, with the fastest one would receive the cash prize of IDR 500,000,000.

During the broadcast, the obstacles' name and symbol were also appeared, made it similar to the G4's Ninja Warrior broadcast.

Challenge Stage[]


Quintuple Steps
Rope Grip
Domino Hill
Rope Ladder


Name Military Branch Result Notes
Ibnu Prastowo AL 3. Domino Hill
Asep Samsuri AD Clear (00:30.48)
Imam Akbar AU Clear (00:27.61)
Edi Permani AL Clear (00:57.46)
Haryanto AL 3. Domino Hill
Imam Taufik AD Clear (00:33.61) Digest.
Bagas Satriya Mandiri AL Clear (01:03.75) Digest.
Yasir AU Clear (00:37.69) Digest.
Faisal Hamdani Putra AU 3. Domino Hill
Dian Triwidodo AL 3. Domino Hill
Abdul Rahman AD Clear (00:34.38)
Slamet Riyadi AD 3. Domino Hill Digest.
Achmad Ikhwanudin AL Clear (00:48.38) Digest.
Darkino AU Clear Digest.
Julkarnain AD Clear (00:31.43) Digest.
Rizwan AL 3. Domino Hill Digest.
Muhammad Aan Wahyudi AU Clear (00:39.78) Digest.
Muhammad Taufan Maulana AD Clear (00:41.86)
La Ade Sami AD 3. Domino Hill
Muhammad Wahyudin AL Clear (01:37)
Joko Sunyoto AL 3. Domino Hill
Nur Afandi AL 3. Domino Hill
Mardikin AD Clear (00:35.62)
Nover Imam Zai AD Clear (00:30.57)
Meky Mulaki AL 3. Domino Hill
Retno Ayu AL 2. Rope Grip
Putri AD 2. Rope Grip
Sugianto AD Clear (00:40.41)
Rudi Purwanto AU Clear (00:31.66)
Syafrijal Manurung AU Clear (00:32.59)
Suprayono AD Clear (00:54.44)
Ridho Ilahi AL Clear (01:17.34)
Priyan Ndaru AU 3. Domino Hill
Zulfikar Djafar AD Clear (00:38.30)
Yusteja Yesi AU 3. Domino Hill
Widoyo Irwanto AL Clear (00:49.75)
Wahyu Mustika P. AU 2. Rope Grip
Tri Mulyadi AD 3. Domino Hill
Taufik Makmur S. AU Clear (00:35.60)
Sukma Bahri Lubis AU 3. Domino Hill
Sri Ayu Lestari AL 2. Rope Grip
Sherly Yusanti AU 3. Domino Hill
Robby Iqbal AD 3. Domino Hill
Riangga Eka R. AD Clear (00:54.36) Digest.
Pamuji Fernando AD Clear (00:46.61) Digest.
Miftahol Muarif AD Clear Digest.
Fandy K. Yudha AL Clear (00:49.46) Digest.
Jefri K. AL Clear (00:56.85) Digest.
Ahmad Agung S. AL Clear Digest.
Mikron Tale AU Clear (00:37.82) Digest.
Yoki Hardian AU Clear (00:39.50) Digest.
Aidil Arda AU 3. Domino Hill Digest.
Parasian Tanjung AU Clear (01:09.48)
Ones Ucu Bonay AU Clear (00:39.81)
Nurdin Hayat AD Clear (00:32.84)
Merio Julian AD Clear (00:32.72)
Noval Sukarno Numberi AD Clear (00:38.77) Digest.
Nanang Pujianto AL 3. Domino Hill Digest.
Hendro Purnomo AU Clear (00:43.30) Digest.
Abdul Djalil AD Clear (00:26.73)
Ika Wahyu Aryadi AU Clear (00:33.49)
Hari Rohman AL 3. Domino Hill
Faradila AL 2. Rope Grip
Elsa Purnama Sari AD 2. Rope Grip
Ellent AD 2. Rope Grip
Chandra Irawan AL Clear (00:50.52)
Dekron Irawan AL Clear (00:35.40)
Benyamin Jacob AL 3. Domino Hill
Aznul Subhan AU Clear (00:27.89)
Ali Kaisma AL 3. Domino Hill
Agus Heri AL Clear (00:36.62)
Agung Wardiansyah AD Clear (00:49.88)
Veki Tarema AD Clear (00:50.30) Digest.
Casmoyo AL Clear Digest.
Muhammad Andri AU Clear (00:46.88) Digest.
Irfan D. AU Clear (00:53.88)
Jajang Wildan AD Clear (00:36.62)
Wawan Setiawansyah AL Clear (00:48.33)
Ridwan AU Clear (00:47.36)
Nova Mistiyono AU Clear
Marzukin AD Clear
Muhammad Wahyudi AU Clear
April Junaedi AU Clear
Abdul Gani AD Clear
Tegar Chandra AD Clear
Denny F. AD Clear
Muhammad Riza AL Clear
Utus Mulyanto AL Clear
Nur Lahirin AD Clear
Ari Suwandi AD Clear
Adi Putra AU Clear
Fajar AD Clear
Tony Budi AL Clear

Warrior Stage[]


Long Jump
Log Grip
Shaking Bridge
Warped Wall


Name Military Branch Result Notes
Jajang Wildan AD Clear (0:22.85)
Abdul Rahman AD Clear (1:53) Digest.
Veki Tarema AD Clear (1:59.66) Digest.
Nurdin Hayat AD Clear (0:30.51) Digest.
Nover Imam Zai AD Clear (0:22.79) Digest.
Widoyo Irwanto AL Clear (1:22.76)
Nova Mistiyono AU 2. Log Grip Reached the landing platform, but lost his balance and fell.
Zulfikar Djafar AD Clear (1:48.50)
Irfan D. AU Clear (2:20.54) Digest.
Marzukin AD Clear (1:39)
Syafrijal Manurung AU 4. Warped Wall
Suprayono AD Clear (1:17)
Ridwan AU Clear (1:15.52)
Sugianto AD Clear (0:23.90)
Ridho Ilahi AL 2. Log Grip Reached the landing platform, but lost his balance and fell.
Ones Ucu Bonay AU Clear (1:56.87)
Pamuji Fernando AD 2. Log Grip
Riangga Eka R. AD 2. Log Grip
Rudi Purwanto AU Clear (1:29.40)
Parasian Tanjung AU Clear (1:10.87)
Muhammad Andri AU Clear (1:29.56)
Muhammad Wahyudi AU Clear (2:20.77)
Merio Julian AD 2. Log Grip Reached the landing platform, but lost his balance and fell.
Muhammad Taufan Maulana AD Clear (0:54.72)
Muhammad Aan Wahyudi AU Clear (2:28.31)
Julkarnain AD Clear (1:07.68)
Imam Taufik AD 4. Warped Wall
Imam Akbar AU Clear (0:27.74)
Asep Samsuri AD Clear (1:00.61) Digest.
Wawan Setiawansyah AL Clear Digest.
Edi Permani AL 2. Log Grip Reached the landing platform but fell.
Dekron Irawan AL Clear (0:57.69)
Darkino AU Clear (1:19.81)
Casmoyo AL 4. Warped Wall
Bagas Satriya Mandiri AL Clear (2:27.79)
April Junaedi AU 4. Warped Wall
Ahmad Agung S. AL 2. Log Grip Reached the landing platform but fell.
Achmad Ikhwanudin AL 2. Log Grip Reached the landing platform but fell.
Abdul Djalil AD Clear (0:35.45)
Abdul Gani AD Clear Digest.
Tegar Chandra AD Clear Digest.
Denny F. AD Clear Digest.
Muhammad Riza AL Clear Digest.
Utus Mulyanto AL Clear Digest.
Chandra Irawan AL Clear Digest.
Hendro Purnomo AU Clear Digest.
Aznul Subhan AU Clear Digest.
Yasir AU Clear Digest.
Nur Lahirin AD Clear Digest.
Ari Suwandi AD Clear Digest.
Fandy K. Yudha AL Clear Digest.
Jefri K. AL Clear Digest.
Adi Putra AU Clear Digest.
Yoki Hardian AU 4. Warped Wall Digest.
Agung Wardiansyah AD Clear Digest.
Fajar AD Clear Digest.
Agus Heri AL Clear Digest.
Tony Budi AL Clear Digest.
Mikron Tale AU 4. Warped Wall Digest.
Ika Wahyu Aryadi AU Clear Digest.
Taufik Makmur S. AU Clear
Miftahol Muarif AD Clear

Semifinal Stage 1[]


Quintuple Steps
Rolling Log
Spinning Bridge
Jump Hang
Double Warped Wall

Time limit: 120 seconds.


Name Military Branch Result Notes
Widoyo Irwanto AL Clear (0:11.21 left)
Veki Tarema AD 5. Double Warped Wall Timed out at the second wall.
Suprayono AD 2. Rolling Log
Utus Mulyanto AL 2. Rolling Log
Rudi Purwanto AU 3. Spinning Bridge
Yasir AU 3. Spinning Bridge
Taufik Makmur S. AU Clear (0:26.36 left)
Tegar Chandra AD Clear (0:20.20 left)
Nur Lahirin AD 5. Double Warped Wall Timed out at the second wall.
Nurdin Hayat AD Clear (0:39.21 left)
Bagas Satriya Mandiri AL 2. Rolling Log Digest.
Aznul Subhan AU 3. Spinning Bridge Digest.
Asep Samsuri AD 2. Rolling Log Digest.
Ika Wahyu Aryadi AU Clear (0:13.43 left)
Fandy K. Yudha AL 3. Spinning Bridge
Jajang Wildan AD Clear (0:27.44 left)
Abdul Djalil AD 3. Spinning Bridge
Adi Putra AU Clear (0:06.59 left)
Agus Heri AL 3. Spinning Bridge
Muhammad Taufan Maulana AD 2. Rolling Log Digest.
Fajar AD 4. Jump Hang Digest.
Denny F. AD 3. Spinning Bridge Digest.
Nover Imam Zai AD 2. Rolling Log Digest.
Zulfikar Djafar AD Clear (0:11.09 left) Digest.
Abdul Rahman AD 4. Jump Hang
Chandra Irawan AL 5. Double Warped Wall Timed out at the second wall.
Agung Wardiansyah AD 2. Rolling Log
Abdul Gani AD 3. Spinning Bridge
Tony Budi AL 2. Rolling Log Digest.
Jefri K. AL 2. Rolling Log Digest.
Irfan D. AU 4. Jump Hang Digest.
Imam Akbar AU 5. Double Warped Wall Digest. Timed out at the second wall.
Miftahol Muarif AD 3. Spinning Bridge Digest.
M. Andry AD 2. Rolling Log Digest.
Wawan Setiawansyah AL Clear
Sugianto AD Clear
Ones Ucu Bonay AU Clear

Semifinal Stage 2[]


Pole Jump
Spider Walk
Monkey Peg
Balancing Bridge
Unstable Bridge
Rope Ladder

Time limit: 150 seconds.


Name Military Branch Result Notes
Sugianto AD 5. Unstable Bridge Transition to the second plank.
Ones Ucu Bonay AU Clear (0:16.18 left)
Zulfikar Djafar AD 3. Monkey Peg Disqualified for touching the pegboard with his finger.
Ika Wahyu Aryadi AU Clear (0:25.25 left)
Widoyo Irwanto AL Clear (0:01.04 left)
Tegar Chandra AD 5. Unstable Bridge Transition to the second plank.
Taufik Makmur S. AU Clear (0:14.39 left)
Jajang Wildan AD Clear (0:55.42 left)
Wawan Setiawansyah AL 3. Monkey Peg Disqualified for grabbing the side of the pegboard while dismounting.
Nurdin Hayat AD Clear (0:29.43 left)
Adi Putra AU 1. Pole Jump

Final Stage[]


Devil Steps
Curtain Grip
Ring Toss
*Salmon Ladder
Pipe Slider

* - On this version of the Salmon Ladder, competitors were given one special rule. Competitors were only allowed to make one mistake (placing the bar unevenly), and they must correct it immediately. If they failed to correct it or made the same mistake twice, they would be disqualified.


Name Military Branch Result Notes
Ones Ucu Bonay AU 4. Cliffhanger Reached the third ledge, but the grip gave out and fell.
Jajang Wildan AD Clear
Taufik Makmur S. AU 4. Cliffhanger Transition to the third ledge.
Widoyo Irwanto AL 5. Salmon Ladder Fell at the fifth rung.
Nurdin Hayat AD 4. Cliffhanger Transition to the third ledge.
Ika Wahyu Aryadi AU 4. Cliffhanger Tried to reach the third ledge, but the grip gave out and fell.

Mount Midoriyama Stage[]


Spider Climb (12.5 meters)
Rope Climb (12.5 meters)

Time limit: 30 seconds.


Name Military Branch Result Notes
Jajang Wildan AD 2. Rope Climb Timed out. About 23.5 meters up. Last Man Standing.