The Furiko Michi (振子路), known as the Swinging Hammers in the G4 broadcast, appeared as the fourth obstacle in KUNOICHI 5's Second Stage. It was a variation of the Goren Hammer, with the concept being the same, in that the competitors had to cross a narrow beam while dodging several large hammers. In comparison to the Goren Hammer, the number of hammers amounted to four, with the hammers swinging in an even pattern, two on each side heading towards the center, as opposed to the continuous pattern. Likewise, the gaps in-between each hammer were fairly large, enabling competitors to stop in-between each hammers, which would not work on the Goren Hammer. It proved to be a very easy obstacle, and was removed in the next tournament and replaced by the Ami Watari.
Competitors' Success Rate[]
- All results based on the TBS broadcast and external information found
KUNIOCHI | Clears | Attempts | Percentage |
5 | 5 | 5 | 100% |
Total | 5 | 5 | 100% |