The Circle Cross is an obstacle, firstly introduced as the fifth obstacle on American Ninja Warrior 5 in Baltimore.
It consisted of three rings (similar to the Swing Circle, except the rings were much smaller), and two ropes (each rope was placed between the rings). In this obstacle, competitors must build enough swing and momentum to across the obstacle, by grabbing a ring and making the transition to a rope, and repeat those two processes until competitors could reach a small platform, and then to the landing platform.
The difficulty of this obstacle came from the very beginning. Majority of it's 20+ failed attempts came from competitors not being able to build enough momentum to reach the second ring. The course designers had intended for competitors to build up their swing by using the first ring and first rope in tandem. Majority of the fails had tried using raw strength to power up to the second ring and gassed themselves out. During Baltimore qualifiers, the obstacle had took out several top competitors, including Chris Wilczewski, Luis Moco, Jesse Villarreal, and Matt Laessig. By night two, several demonstrations of it had been shown and not a single competitor failed it after adapting.