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The 9th Sportsman competition, official name: 「スポーツマンNo.1決定戦IX」 (literally Sportsman No. 1 IX) was the second Celebrity Survival Battle Tournament. In similar format to the previous Celebrity Survival Battle, various celebrities would compete in a series of Sportsman events to gain points. As the events progress, the competitors who would gain the least amount of points would be eliminated from the Survival Battle. This elimination would continue until the final event where the top six competitors would be left.

In this competition, three of the five Survival Battle events are brand new: Dodge Poles, Tail Impossible, and Log Sumo. With Quick Muscle and Shot-Gun Touch once again appearing from the previous Celebrity Survival Battle.

The prizes in this competition are as follows:

  • Event Winners would receive a Kyocera Digital Camera and JPY 200,000
  • Sixth Place Competitor would receive a JF Gourmet Card and JPY 100,000
  • Fifth Place Competitor would receive a Fitness Club Exus Gold Card and JPY 200,000
  • Fourth Place Competitor would receive a Dunlop Golf Set and JPY 400,000
  • Third Place Competitor would receive a Pair Trip to Los Angeles and JPY 600,000
  • Second Place Competitor would receive a Diamond Ring with Platinum Setting and JPY 1,000,000
  • First Place Competitor would receive a Mitsubishi Galant car and JPY 2,000,000

Apart from the Celebrity Survival Battle, a separate event named Monster Box World Championship (跳び箱世界一決定戦) also took place in this tournament. Three competitors would try to attempt the Monster Box at a higher level than the normal event. In the previous Monster Box World Championship, these three competitors managed to clear 21 Boxes (2m 86cm), with Vitaly Scherbo, at the time, went beyond and cleared the Monster Box World Record at 22 Boxes (2m 96cm). This event would be broadcasted as a filler in-between Tail Impossible and Log Sumo.


Number Competitor Profile
1 Nomura Masaki
2 Watanabe Hiroyuki
3 Godai Takayuki
4 Shindo Eisaku
5 Konishi Hiroyuki
6 Terakado Jimon
7 Nonomura Makoto
8 Osumi Kenya
9 Moriwaki Kenji
10 Nakamura Shigeyuki
11 Sato Hiroyuki
12 Miyashita Naoki
13 Kane Kosugi
14 Watanabe Kei

Special Competitors[]

Competitor Country Profile
Nagasawa Kenichi Japan
Yeo Hong Chul South Korea
Vitaly Scherbo Belarus Monster Box World Record Holder (22 Boxes)
Morgan Hamm USA
Mizutori Hisashi Japan

Survival Battle[]

Dodge Poles[]

The event itself involves two competitors standing on opposite sides of a platform with sixteen horizontal poles arranged on a 4x4 grid. These poles would have square-shaped foams attached on both ends with numbers embedded on the foam.

Competitors must push all of the poles until a competitor managed to topple their opponent in the platform. The winning competitor would advance to the next rounds. This process continues until the final round where the winning competitor becomes the No. 1 of the event.

Due to the nature of the event in which there are sixteen poles needed to be push to topple their opponents, it would lead to some of the rounds lasting for a long period due to competitors strategically resting on areas that is hard for their opponent to push over.

This would lead to an additional rule in the final round of the event where a round would last for five minutes. If the time allotted in the match is exceeded, then the competitors will reset for two minutes before attempting a rematch. In the rematch, the time limit is still in play. If the match exceeds the 5 minute time limit, both competitors will be crowned No. 1 in the event.


  First round Second round Semifinals Finals
4  Shindo Eisaku Loss  
3  Godai Takayuki Win  
  8 Osumi Kenya Win
  3  Godai Takayuki Loss  
10  Nakamura Shigeyuki Loss  
1  Nomura Masaki Win  
8  Osumi Kenya Loss
  1  Nomura Masaki Win  
  1 Nomura Masaki Win  
  6  Terakado Jimon Loss
12  Miyashita Naoki Loss  
6  Terakado Jimon Win
  1 Nomura Masaki Draw
  13 Kane Kosugi Draw
7  Nonomura Makoto Win  
14  Watanabe Kei Loss  
  7 Nonomura Makoto Loss  
  5  Konishi Hiroyuki Win  
2  Watanabe Hiroyuki Loss  
13  Kane Kosugi Win  
13  Kane Kosugi Win  
  5  Konishi Hiroyuki Loss
  9  Moriwaki Kenji Loss  
  13  Kane Kosugi Win^  
9  Moriwaki Kenji Win  
11  Sato Hiroyuki Loss  
Finals Rematch
1 Nomura Masaki Draw
13 Kane Kosugi Draw

Dodge Poles No. 1: Nomura Masaki and Kane Kosugi

Standings after Event[]

Place Competitor Total Points
1st Nomura Masaki 100 points
1st Kane Kosugi 100 points
3rd Konishi Hiroyuki 60 points
3rd Osumi Kenya 60 points
5th Godai Takayuki 20 points
5th Terakado Jimon 20 points
5th Nonomura Makoto 20 points
5th Moriwaki Kenji 20 points
9th Watanabe Hiroyuki 0 points
9th Shindo Eisaku 0 points
9th Nakamura Shigeyuki 0 points
9th Sato Hiroyuki 0 points
9th Miyashita Naoki 0 points
9th Watanabe Kei 0 points

Quick Muscle[]

Similar to the Kinniku Banzuke version, competitors would have to do as many push-ups as possible within three minutes with a difference being in a group of four instead of pairs. After the event, two competitors with the least amount of points is eliminated from the Survival Battle.


Name (Age) Results Notes
Group 1
Nonomura Makoto (32) 20 Push-ups
Osumi Kenya (31) 80 Push-ups
Sato Hiroyuki (28) 73 Push-ups
Konishi Hiroyuki (37) 28 Push-ups
Group 2
Watanabe Hiroyuki (41) 76 Push-ups
Nakamura Shigeyuki (29) 95 Push-ups
Miyashita Naoki (25) 68 Push-ups
Godai Takayuki (40) 49 Push-ups
Group 3
Moriwaki Kenji (30) 110 Push-ups
Terakado Jimon (34) 84 Push-ups
Kane Kosugi (22) 116 Push-ups
Shindo Eisaku (38) 55 Push-ups
Quick Muscle No. 1: Kane Kosugi

Standings after Event[]

Place Competitor Total Points
1st Kane Kosugi 200 points
2nd Nomura Masaki 100 points
2nd Moriwaki Kenji 100 points
4th Osumi Kenya 95 points
5th Konishi Hiroyuki 65 points
6th Terakado Jimon 60 points
6th Nakamura Shigeyuki 60 points
8th Watanabe Hiroyuki 30 points
8th Godai Takayuki 30 points
10th Nonomura Makoto 25 points
10th Sato Hiroyuki 25 points
12th Miyashita Naoki 20 points
13th Shindo Eisaku 15 points
14th Watanabe Kei 0 points
Eliminated Competitors: Shindo Eisaku and Watanabe Kei

Tail Impossible[]

Twelve remaining competitors competes an event involves competitors running around a 80 meter track for five laps, with the last three competitors finishing the laps being eliminated from the event. Competitors are allowed to rest for 90 seconds in between each race. After the event, three competitors with the least amount of points is eliminated from the Survival Battle.


Lap 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
Race 1 (11 → 9)
1 Miyashita Naoki Godai Takayuki Nonomura Makoto Sato Hiroyuki Terakado Jimon Kane Kosugi Konishi Hiroyuki Nakamura Shigeyuki Watanabe Hiroyuki Osumi Kenya Moriwaki Kenji
2 Miyashita Naoki Godai Takayuki Nonomura Makoto Sato Hiroyuki Terakado Jimon Kane Kosugi Konishi Hiroyuki Nakamura Shigeyuki Watanabe Hiroyuki Osumi Kenya Moriwaki Kenji
3 Miyashita Naoki Godai Takayuki Nonomura Makoto Sato Hiroyuki Terakado Jimon Kane Kosugi Konishi Hiroyuki Moriwaki Kenji Osumi Kenya Nakamura Shigeyuki Watanabe Hiroyuki
4 Miyashita Naoki Godai Takayuki Nonomura Makoto Sato Hiroyuki Terakado Jimon Kane Kosugi Konishi Hiroyuki Moriwaki Kenji Osumi Kenya Nakamura Shigeyuki Watanabe Hiroyuki (Dropped Out)
5 Miyashita Naoki (1:20.18) Godai Takayuki Terakado Jimon Sato Hiroyuki Moriwaki Kenji Kane Kosugi Osumi Kenya Nakamura Shigeyuki Nonomura Makoto Konishi Hiroyuki
Race 2 (9 → 6)
1 Nakamura Shigeyuki Sato Hiroyuki Osumi Kenya Moriwaki Kenji Miyashita Naoki Godai Takayuki Terakado Jimon Nonomura Makoto Kane Kosugi
2 Nakamura Shigeyuki Sato Hiroyuki Osumi Kenya Moriwaki Kenji Miyashita Naoki Terakado Jimon Nonomura Makoto Godai Takayuki Kane Kosugi
3 Nakamura Shigeyuki Osumi Kenya Sato Hiroyuki Terakado Jimon Miyashita Naoki Moriwaki Kenji Nonomura Makoto Godai Takayuki (Dropped Out) Kane Kosugi (Dropped Out)
4 Osumi Kenya Nakamura Shigeyuki Sato Hiroyuki Terakado Jimon Miyashita Naoki Moriwaki Kenji Nonomura Makoto
5 Osumi Kenya (1:38.74) Nakamura Shigeyuki Sato Hiroyuki Terakado Jimon Moriwaki Kenji Miyashita Naoki Nonomura Makoto
Race 3 (6 → 3)
1 Nakamura Shigeyuki Terakado Jimon Osumi Kenya Moriwaki Kenji Sato Hiroyuki Miyashita Naoki (Dropped Out)
2 Nakamura Shigeyuki Terakado Jimon Osumi Kenya Moriwaki Kenji Sato Hiroyuki
3 Nakamura Shigeyuki Terakado Jimon Osumi Kenya Moriwaki Kenji Sato Hiroyuki
4 Osumi Kenya Terakado Jimon Moriwaki Kenji Nakamura Shigeyuki Sato Hiroyuki
5 Osumi Kenya (1:39.69) Terakado Jimon Moriwaki Kenji Nakamura Shigeyuki Sato Hiroyuki
Final Race
5 Osumi Kenya (1:30.24) Moriwaki Kenji Terakado Jimon
Tail Impossible No. 1: Osumi Kenya

Standings after Event[]

Place Competitor Total Points
1st Osumi Kenya 215 points
2nd Kane Kosugi 210 points
2nd Moriwaki Kenji 180 points
4th Terakado Jimon 120 points
5th Nakamura Shigeyuki 100 points
5th Nomura Masaki 100 points*
7th Konishi Hiroyuki 65 points
8th Sato Hiroyuki 60 points
8th Miyashita Naoki 60 points
10th Godai Takayuki 45 points
10th Nonomura Makoto 45 points
12th Watanabe Hiroyuki 30 points

* - Although Nomura joint won Dodge Poles, the event worsened his chronic back pain. After choosing not to do Quick Muscle, he tried Tail Impossible, but eventually withdrew from the competition afterwards.

Eliminated Competitors: Nomura Masaki, Godai Takayuki, Nonomura Makoto, Watanabe Hiroyuki

Log Sumo[]

Due to the withdrawal of Nomura Masaki, eight remaining competitors competes in an event involves two competitors trying to knock off their competitor inside a sumo ring whilst each competitor holding one end of a long log. A Win is decided when either a competitor manages to topple their opponent outside of the sumo ring, drop their opponent onto the ground, or they managed to let go of the log. After the event, two competitors with the least amount of points is eliminated from the Survival Battle.

The winning competitor would advance to the next rounds. This process continues until the final round where the winning competitor becomes the No. 1 of the event.


  Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
13  Kane Kosugi (22) Win  
11  Sato Hiroyuki (28) Loss  
  13  Kane Kosugi (22) Loss  
  5  Konishi Hiroyuki (37) Win  
6  Terakado Jimon (34) Loss
5  Konishi Hiroyuki (37) Win  
  5  Konishi Hiroyuki (37) Win  
  8  Osumi Kenya (31) Loss  
10  Nakamura Shigeyuki (29) Win  
9  Moriwaki Kenji (30) Loss  
  10  Nakamura Shigeyuki (29) Loss
  8  Osumi Kenya (31) Win  
8  Osumi Kenya (31) Win
12  Miyashita Naoki (25) Loss  
Third place
13 Kane Kosugi (22) Loss
10 Nakamura Shigeyuki (29) Win

Log Sumo No. 1: Konishi Hiroyuki

Standings after Event[]

Place Competitor Total Points
1st Osumi Kenya 295 points
2nd Kane Kosugi 250 points
3rd Moriwaki Kenji 180 points
4th Konishi Hiroyuki 165 points
5th Nakamura Shigeyuki 160 points
6th Terakado Jimon 120 points
7th Sato Hiroyuki 60 points
7th Miyashita Naoki 60 points
Eliminated Competitors: Sato Hiroyuki and Miyashita Naoki

Shot-Gun Touch[]

The remaining top six competitors competes in an event involves competitors sprinting towards the end of the runway to touch a falling volleyball ten metres above. The volleyball must be released by pressing a button at the start of the runway, failure to do so signify a miss. Competitors writes down the distance according to their own preferences and place them in a ballot box, with three attempts each and the competitor who has successfully completed the furthest and/or earned the most points wins the event. In addition, the running order on each round would change based on the current overall points where the competitor that has the least amount of points will go first.

During the competitor's third attempt, instead of competitors writing down the distance, they would verbally pick their distance once it is their turn to attempt the event.

Legend Description
Xm 〇cm Cleared
Xm 〇cm Cleared. Attempt was cut
- Attempt skipped
Xm 〇cm Did not clear
Xm 〇cm Missed the button
/ Dropped out
? Result unknown
Xm 〇cm Tied Celebrity Sportsman Record (11m 10cm)
Xm 〇cm New Celebrity Sportsman Record
Xm 〇cm Tied World Record (13m 00cm)
Xm 〇cm New World Record


Order Competitor Declared Distance Points Earned Overall Points
Attempt 1
1 Terakado Jimon 10m 50cm 0 120 points
2 Nakamura Shigeyuki 11m 00cm 0 160 points
3 Konishi Hiroyuki 10m 20cm 20 185 points
4 Moriwaki Kenji 10m 60cm 60 240 points
5 Kane Kosugi 10m 50cm 50 300 points
6 Osumi Kenya 10m 60cm 60 355 points
Attempt 2
1 Terakado Jimon 10m 50cm 0 120 points
2 Nakamura Shigeyuki 11m 00cm 100 260 points
3 Konishi Hiroyuki 10m 40cm 40 225 points
4 Moriwaki Kenji 11m 00cm 0 240 points
5 Kane Kosugi 11m 10cm 110 410 points
6 Osumi Kenya 10m 80cm 80 435 points
Attempt 3
1 Terakado Jimon 10m 50cm 0 120 points
2 Konishi Hiroyuki 10m 60cm 60 285 points
3 Moriwaki Kenji 11m 20cm 120 360 points
4 Nakamura Shigeyuki 11m 30cm 130 390 points
5 Kane Kosugi 11m 50cm 150 560 points
6 Osumi Kenya 11m 30cm 0 435 points


Place Competitor Notes
Total Points Earned
1st Kane Kosugi 310 points
2nd Nakamura Shigeyuki 230 points
3rd Moriwaki Kenji 180 points
4th Osumi Kenya 140 points
5th Konishi Hiroyuki 120 points
6th Terakado Jimon 0 points
Furthest Distance Cleared
1st Kane Kosugi 11m 50cm
2nd Nakamura Shigeyuki 11m 30cm
3rd Moriwaki Kenji 11m 20cm
4th Osumi Kenya 10m 80cm
5th Konishi Hiroyuki 10m 60cm
6th Terakado Jimon None
Shot-Gun Touch No. 1: Kane Kosugi

Overall Results[]

Legend Description
1st Competitor achieved first place in events and/or Celebrity Sportsman No.1
2nd Competitor achieved second place in events and/or Celebrity Sportsman No.1
3rd Competitor achieved third place in events and/or Celebrity Sportsman No.1
DNC Did Not Compete
X Eliminated from Survival Battle
Place Name Dodge Poles Quick Muscle Tail Impossible Log Sumo Shot-Gun Touch Total
1st Kane Kosugi 1st (100P) 1st (100P) 9th (10P) 4th (40P) 1st (310P) 560P
2nd Osumi Kenya 3rd (60P) 5th (35P) 1st (120P) 2nd (80P) 4th (140P) 435P
3rd Nakamura Shigeyuki 9th (0P) 3rd (60P) 4th (40P) 3rd (60P) 2nd (230P) 390P
4th Moriwaki Kenji 5th (20P) 2nd (80P) 2nd (80P) 5th (0P) 3rd (180P) 360P
5th Konishi Hiroyuki 3rd (60P) 11th (5P) 10th (0P) 1st (100P) 5th (120P) 285P
6th Terakado Jimon 5th (20P) 4th (40P) 3rd (60P) 5th (0P) 6th (0P) 120P
7th Nomura Masaki 1st (100P) DNC DNC X X 100P
8th Sato Hiroyuki 9th (0P) 7th (25P) 5th (35P) 5th (0P) X 60P
9th Miyashita Naoki 9th (0P) 8th (20P) 6th (40P) 5th (0P) X 60P
10th Godai Takayuki 5th (20P) 10th (10P) 8th (15P) X X 45P
11th Nonomura Makoto 5th (20P) 12th (5P) 7th (20P) X X 45P
12th Watanabe Hiroyuki 9th (0P) 6th (30P) 11th (0P) X X 30P
13th Shindo Eisaku 9th (0P) 9th (15P) X X X 15P
14th Watanabe Kei 9th (0P) DNC X X X 0P
2nd Celebrity Sportsman No. 1: Kane Kosugi

Victory Speech: I just wanted to thank everybody for giving me this chance be in this show. Thank you. - Kane Kosugi

Monster Box World Championship[]

Monster Box[]

The event involves competitors running down a runway onto a springboard and vault over a giant vaulting box that increases in height after all competitors have attempted the current height. In this tournament, compared to its appearances in the main tournament, competitors would start at 18 Levels which has an equivalent height of 2 meter and 56 centimeters and gradually increases by 10 centimeters with each levels.

Legend Description
Cleared. Attempt was cut
- Attempt skipped
X Did not clear
X Did not clear. Attempt was cut
/ Dropped out
? Result unknown
Tied World Record (22 Levels)
New World Record


Competitor Levels 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Height 2m 56cm 2m 66cm 2m 76cm 2m 86cm 2m 96cm 3m 06cm 3m 16cm
Nagasawa Kenichi X X
Yeo Hong Chul X
Vitaly Scherbo X X
Morgan Hamm Both Hamm and Mizutori's attempts were made separately from the first three competitors and their attempt on the 24 Levels were only shown on broadcast. X X
Mizutori Hisashi X X
Monster Box World Championship No. 1: Yeo-Hong Chul


Dodge Poles[]

Quick Muscle[]

Tail Impossible[]

Log Sumo[]

Monster Box[]

Shot-Gun Touch[]
